Guess what?
Chicken butt!
Oh, and I'm DJing at Old Oak Tap tomorrow. Please come by!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Should auld acquaintance nea be forgo.
Should auld acquaintance nea be forgo.
Recently a girl I went to grade school in south Texas with found me via Facebook. It was a surprise since I moved from that area when I was ten, and we haven't spoken in decades. It was a nice surprise though and afforded me a brief dash into my past including ruminating on what would have happened had I never left The Valley. Since then she's recommended me to numerous other old classmates on Facebook and I have to admit some of the names popping into my inbox are drawing a blank, while others carry the hot flash of recognition and then surprise that I recognize their faces even though so many years have passed. Sometimes a ten-year-old's face morphs into something recognizable over that much time, but it's fun to see how folks eventually grew into their features.
It's been a little weird, and I'll admit I haven't accepted all the friend requests that were sent because it seems a little strange to suddenly allow everyone I went to grade school up to 5th grade access to so much current info. Nothing personal, just Facebook tends to be where I converse with folks I know a lot more recently. Nonetheless, it's been a joy to see that so many people haven't seen in so many years seem to have ended up in pretty good places. Good for them!
The photo above was taken in McAllen, TX ... my old stomping grounds waaaaay back when!

It's been a little weird, and I'll admit I haven't accepted all the friend requests that were sent because it seems a little strange to suddenly allow everyone I went to grade school up to 5th grade access to so much current info. Nothing personal, just Facebook tends to be where I converse with folks I know a lot more recently. Nonetheless, it's been a joy to see that so many people haven't seen in so many years seem to have ended up in pretty good places. Good for them!
The photo above was taken in McAllen, TX ... my old stomping grounds waaaaay back when!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
And then the chill creeps into your soul.
And then the chill creeps into your soul.
This weather is sapping all the motivation out of our house. Sure, I wake up all fine, make it to the gym, and have really productive days at the office, but once I get home I don't wanna do anything. Don't want to go see shows. Don't want to read books or even magazines. I don't even have the motivation to pick out a DVD to watch. Instead GalPal and I sit on the couch watching TV even though out of 500+ channels there is absolutely zero on. It's not that it's too cold to go out, it's just that when you hit this point in the Chicago winter, usually just after a brief warm-up, it's just too much cold to rationally deal with any more.
I'm not moving though so I guess I just need to power through it. Again.
This weather is sapping all the motivation out of our house. Sure, I wake up all fine, make it to the gym, and have really productive days at the office, but once I get home I don't wanna do anything. Don't want to go see shows. Don't want to read books or even magazines. I don't even have the motivation to pick out a DVD to watch. Instead GalPal and I sit on the couch watching TV even though out of 500+ channels there is absolutely zero on. It's not that it's too cold to go out, it's just that when you hit this point in the Chicago winter, usually just after a brief warm-up, it's just too much cold to rationally deal with any more.
I'm not moving though so I guess I just need to power through it. Again.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Words to live by.
Words to live by.
Two weeks ago, who would've thought Conan O'Brien would be embraced as iconic by a whole new generation of fans, albeit ones that came just a little too late to the party to save his late night hide?
Two weeks ago, who would've thought Conan O'Brien would be embraced as iconic by a whole new generation of fans, albeit ones that came just a little too late to the party to save his late night hide?

Monday, January 25, 2010
Rehab! Party! Tonight!
Rehab! Party! Tonight!
For those of you not in the know, Rehab -- held at Debonair and hosted by Team Bayside High -- is the best weekly party Chicago has to offer. In fact, it's the best weekly party in the nation, America says so! In recent weeks the night has jumped in attendance -- despite our bitterly freezing temperatures of late -- so while the upstairs continues to pump out the indie dance party jams, they've decided to have DJs spin more rock oriented sets in the downstairs lounge. Y'know, give the people two levels of fun instead of just one.
They've asked me to supply the downstairs tunes tonight and I am excited! I've long dug the party in general but since I haven't really spun strictly dance sets since my late-night days at The Note I figured I'd never get a chance to DJ the evening. I know it's been getting packed in Debonair on Mondays, and admission is free, so if you wanna come out and join the party you probably want to get there on the early side. (Which, if you RSVP, includes an hour of hosted drinks. Whoo!)
I'm not sure what the downstairs lounge scene is like yet, since it's relatively new, but with two levels of great music you can't lose.
For those of you not in the know, Rehab -- held at Debonair and hosted by Team Bayside High -- is the best weekly party Chicago has to offer. In fact, it's the best weekly party in the nation, America says so! In recent weeks the night has jumped in attendance -- despite our bitterly freezing temperatures of late -- so while the upstairs continues to pump out the indie dance party jams, they've decided to have DJs spin more rock oriented sets in the downstairs lounge. Y'know, give the people two levels of fun instead of just one.
They've asked me to supply the downstairs tunes tonight and I am excited! I've long dug the party in general but since I haven't really spun strictly dance sets since my late-night days at The Note I figured I'd never get a chance to DJ the evening. I know it's been getting packed in Debonair on Mondays, and admission is free, so if you wanna come out and join the party you probably want to get there on the early side. (Which, if you RSVP, includes an hour of hosted drinks. Whoo!)
I'm not sure what the downstairs lounge scene is like yet, since it's relatively new, but with two levels of great music you can't lose.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Obama's first year seen through two lenses.
Obama's first year seen through two lenses.
It is no secret I am a fan of Slate. BIG fan. So big that I made GalPal attend their first live Political Gabfest when we were in D.C. before the Presidential Inauguration last year. So it seem fitting that I share two of their latest videos portraying wildly different takes on how Obama's first year in office went, as seen through the lens of Hollywood. great stuff.
Obama's First Year: The Feel Good Trailer
Obama's First Year: Hell in a Handbasket
It is no secret I am a fan of Slate. BIG fan. So big that I made GalPal attend their first live Political Gabfest when we were in D.C. before the Presidential Inauguration last year. So it seem fitting that I share two of their latest videos portraying wildly different takes on how Obama's first year in office went, as seen through the lens of Hollywood. great stuff.
Obama's First Year: The Feel Good Trailer
Obama's First Year: Hell in a Handbasket
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I like to think...
I like to think...
...that the next frame of this shot involves Conan slapping Leno silly. A boy can dream.
...that the next frame of this shot involves Conan slapping Leno silly. A boy can dream.

Camera shy.
Camera shy.
I was talking to GalPal yesterday and realize I haven't had my camera out since 2009. I haven't shot any shows, no pictures of the pets, not even of our cool new kitchen island (oh the excitement!)* we recently got. I've taken a few cell photos, but my trusty SLR has seen no action. I will remedy that this weekend.
Hell, I'll remedy that now!
*Quiet, it IS exciting.
I was talking to GalPal yesterday and realize I haven't had my camera out since 2009. I haven't shot any shows, no pictures of the pets, not even of our cool new kitchen island (oh the excitement!)* we recently got. I've taken a few cell photos, but my trusty SLR has seen no action. I will remedy that this weekend.
Hell, I'll remedy that now!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Keeping that brain limber and loose!
Keeping that brain limber and loose!
When I had Alex Shakar as an English teacher he used to tell me of his days as a copywriter for a mammoth ad agency. He told me that while he worked that job, his creative side withered away, until ultimately he just had to quit the corporate world and go back to the world of academia where he could do post-graduate work and focus entirely on his writing again.
It's because of those words, spoken to me many years ago in a 200 level creative writing class many years ago, that I have insisted on doing some writing that is just for me, every single day. In some ways I'm luckier than Alex was. I have a job writing for an independent agency that I love, and am surrounded by intelligent, fun, open people. I know what kind of agency Alex probably worked at back in the day, and the place I'm at is nothing like it. At the same time my days are spent crafting words for other people. It's challenging and rewarding work. However I suspect that the fact that, though the years, day in and day out, the fact that I have always carved out a little "me" writing time has probably both made me a better and more valuable writer in my 9-to-5 while keeping me from feeling like the day job takes up all my creative energy.
Some people bemoan the "everyone's a writer since everyone has a blog" mentality -- and it's not surprising these folks also tend to from from a slightly different generation of professional writer types -- but I think that the fact so many people are encouraged to write and pursue a creative outlet (often with a supportive audience!) is creating a more balanced, happier crew of people in the workplace.
What do you think?
When I had Alex Shakar as an English teacher he used to tell me of his days as a copywriter for a mammoth ad agency. He told me that while he worked that job, his creative side withered away, until ultimately he just had to quit the corporate world and go back to the world of academia where he could do post-graduate work and focus entirely on his writing again.

Some people bemoan the "everyone's a writer since everyone has a blog" mentality -- and it's not surprising these folks also tend to from from a slightly different generation of professional writer types -- but I think that the fact so many people are encouraged to write and pursue a creative outlet (often with a supportive audience!) is creating a more balanced, happier crew of people in the workplace.
What do you think?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What does this mean?
What does this mean?
I saw this on the sidewalk in my neighborhood on my way to the gym this morning. What does it mean? Is it just an odd transposition of two recently discarded objects? Is it a critique of people trying to break religion down into easily digestible chunks? Or is it just a Bible in a microwave?
You tell me.
I saw this on the sidewalk in my neighborhood on my way to the gym this morning. What does it mean? Is it just an odd transposition of two recently discarded objects? Is it a critique of people trying to break religion down into easily digestible chunks? Or is it just a Bible in a microwave?

Redesign forthcoming.
Redesign forthcoming.
Since my Haloscan comments went kaput -- they were bought out a while ago and are now forcing people to pay for the service and I refuse to be strong-armed, even if it means losing years and years of comments -- and this current design has been around for approaching a decade, it seems as if a redesign is needed around these parts. I'll probably just stick with one of the blogger templates since i no longer really have the time to go building something all by myself, but just wanted to give everyone the heads-up so you didn't visit here in the near future and faint from the shock of me actually changing something!
Since my Haloscan comments went kaput -- they were bought out a while ago and are now forcing people to pay for the service and I refuse to be strong-armed, even if it means losing years and years of comments -- and this current design has been around for approaching a decade, it seems as if a redesign is needed around these parts. I'll probably just stick with one of the blogger templates since i no longer really have the time to go building something all by myself, but just wanted to give everyone the heads-up so you didn't visit here in the near future and faint from the shock of me actually changing something!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Delayed response.
Delayed response.
Why am I only JUST NOW noticing that Cleavon Little was in Fletch Lives?
It's been a lazy Monday.
Why am I only JUST NOW noticing that Cleavon Little was in Fletch Lives?
It's been a lazy Monday.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Old school blue eyed soul meets new school blue eyed soul with pleasing results.
Old school blue eyed soul meets new school blue eyed soul with pleasing results.
I had something long and heartfelt I was going to share with you, but then Kip sent me a link to the video below and I realized it was far more important that you experience it instead of some emo bullshit on this fine Friday.
I had something long and heartfelt I was going to share with you, but then Kip sent me a link to the video below and I realized it was far more important that you experience it instead of some emo bullshit on this fine Friday.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Yet another commentator weighs in on the whole late night talk fiasco.
Yet another commentator weighs in on the whole late night talk fiasco.
One thing this whole kerfuffle has been good for? Comedy.
One thing this whole kerfuffle has been good for? Comedy.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
As if you even needed to ask...
As if you even needed to ask...
Team Conan all the way.

However, a note to Conan's guests -- should NBC not pull him, like, tonight. Please stop telling him what a national resource he is and kissing up to him and letting him know how awful and unfair his situation is. We all already know that. And we also know that should Leno come out on top -- and he probably will because the world simply isn't fair all of the time when it comes to business objectives -- we know all the same celebrities will be only too happy to appear on Leno's show and tell him what a national resource he is and kiss up to him and let him know how awful and unfair that whole situation was.
Team Conan all the way.

However, a note to Conan's guests -- should NBC not pull him, like, tonight. Please stop telling him what a national resource he is and kissing up to him and letting him know how awful and unfair his situation is. We all already know that. And we also know that should Leno come out on top -- and he probably will because the world simply isn't fair all of the time when it comes to business objectives -- we know all the same celebrities will be only too happy to appear on Leno's show and tell him what a national resource he is and kiss up to him and let him know how awful and unfair that whole situation was.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
A foursquare PSA: Go Off The Grid!
A foursquare PSA: Go Off The Grid!
Now that foursquare has made it clear people can check in just about anywhere and everywhere, I've decided to follow their rules and track my day's progress even more closely. Of course this comes with two potentially huge downfalls I could a) lose friends and followers due to an overabundance of information sharing and b) I could allow creepy stalker types a lovely opportunity to keep a close eye on where I am at all times.
Of course there's an insanely easy answer to this conundrum; When you check in DON'T alert friends or Twitter! It's easy to just untick that option for each check-in thus sparing your friends' Twitter streams and depriving wack-a-doodles from knowing where you are at all times.
I've decided i'll publicly check-in to places I wouldn't mind a friend, or even someone on Twitter I've never met face-to-face, walking up to me and saying hi.
Pretty simple, huh?

Of course there's an insanely easy answer to this conundrum; When you check in DON'T alert friends or Twitter! It's easy to just untick that option for each check-in thus sparing your friends' Twitter streams and depriving wack-a-doodles from knowing where you are at all times.
I've decided i'll publicly check-in to places I wouldn't mind a friend, or even someone on Twitter I've never met face-to-face, walking up to me and saying hi.
Pretty simple, huh?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Snow beagle.
Snow beagle.
It's been a hectic day, so let's all take a moment to watch Betty the Beagle lick some snow.
It's been a hectic day, so let's all take a moment to watch Betty the Beagle lick some snow.
Friday, January 08, 2010
foursqaure's official stance on where you can and can't check in is...
foursquare's official stance on where you can and can't check in is...
Since I became a superuser on foursquare* I'm allowed to edit and close locations. I've long voiced my annoyance at people checking in at their desk, or on a bus, or in their jacuzzi, but it seems as if fourquare doesn't mind it one bit. This is from the superuser instruction page:
So I guess i may as well give in and start checking in every other step I take down the sidewalk...
*Feel free to replace "superuser" with "superdork" in that sentence, I can take it.

Q: What type of places are allowed and which should I close?My guess is they're allowing this in hopes that folks will fully canvas a city with geotagging, making it much easier for the foursquare team to map everything out, and ultimately integrate offers to users through local businesses and stuff like that.
A: We see people checking into all sorts of places - their office, their homes, their dorms, etc. We'd rather you not "close" any places unless they're bars / cafes' that have gone out of business. The exception is when people create venues for places that just don't exist - e.g. "Happytime USA", "I hate my boss", "On the beach" - those you are free to close. But as for all the other weird scenarios - people checking-in at subway stations, or on the Manhattan Bridge, or while on a Virgin Atlantic flight - let's keep them!
So I guess i may as well give in and start checking in every other step I take down the sidewalk...
*Feel free to replace "superuser" with "superdork" in that sentence, I can take it.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
I and the Thin White Duke thank you.
I and the Thin White Duke thank you.
Bowie Night was a HUGE success. We had a comfortable weekend sized crowd digging the jams last night, and I was so pleased to see so many smiling faces and hear so many requests. Other personal highlights included Ivan showing me his very cool Bowie-related tattoo (super thoughtful and totally not cheesy in any way, shape or form) and Val sharing her stories of when her dad worked with Bowie and she knew him as "Pretty Lady Man."
I wouldn't sully this concept by going monthly, but I'm definitely going to make it a semi-regular (quarterly? yearly?) thing.
And now David himself would like to share a magic dance move with you.
Bowie Night was a HUGE success. We had a comfortable weekend sized crowd digging the jams last night, and I was so pleased to see so many smiling faces and hear so many requests. Other personal highlights included Ivan showing me his very cool Bowie-related tattoo (super thoughtful and totally not cheesy in any way, shape or form) and Val sharing her stories of when her dad worked with Bowie and she knew him as "Pretty Lady Man."
I wouldn't sully this concept by going monthly, but I'm definitely going to make it a semi-regular (quarterly? yearly?) thing.
And now David himself would like to share a magic dance move with you.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010
A subtle reminder of what you should do / where you should be tonight.
A subtle reminder of what you should do / where you should be tonight.
What should you do tonight? Come on down to The Burlington for Bowie night!

Lovely flyer again by Katherine Champagne
And yes, David Bowie's birthday is technically Friday, but we're celebrating it tonight, so get your butt on down to The Burlington!
PLEASE NOTE: Costumes NOT encouraged. I mean, c'mon, only Bowie can pull of 90% of the looks he's had. On the average human that stuff is just embarrassing.
See you tonight!
What should you do tonight? Come on down to The Burlington for Bowie night!

Lovely flyer again by Katherine Champagne
And yes, David Bowie's birthday is technically Friday, but we're celebrating it tonight, so get your butt on down to The Burlington!
PLEASE NOTE: Costumes NOT encouraged. I mean, c'mon, only Bowie can pull of 90% of the looks he's had. On the average human that stuff is just embarrassing.
See you tonight!
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Whilst David Bowie's birthday is technically Friday, we will be celebrating it tomorrow!
Whilst David Bowie's birthday is technically Friday, we will be celebrating it tomorrow!
I've long wanted to do a Bowie night on or around his birthday and this year The Burlington is letting me get away with it! Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 6, I'll be spinning all Bowie and Bowie-related stuff. Come by, it'll be fun!

Awesome poster designed by the lovely Katherine Champagne
I've long wanted to do a Bowie night on or around his birthday and this year The Burlington is letting me get away with it! Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 6, I'll be spinning all Bowie and Bowie-related stuff. Come by, it'll be fun!

Awesome poster designed by the lovely Katherine Champagne
Monday, January 04, 2010
By all rights I really should hate Ke$ha.
By all rights I really should hate Ke$ha.
Instead I find myself regretting the fact I missed her BMI Stage appearance at Lollapalooza this year. I've been listening to her album since Saturday and -- despite the fact she sounds like she was formed by committee (albeit by all appearances that committee seems to be her and is probably more a testament to her fractured assimilation of ever morphing musical trends) and apparently is friends with the utterly loathsome duo of 3OH!3 -- I rather enjoy it.
Will it stand up under repeat listens past this weekend? I can see a few tunes carrying through the year. Heck "TiK ToK" is still going strong and that came out last summer.
Ke$ha is young, cute, a bit off kilter, and is carrying around an abundance of hooks in her back pocket, tucked close to her American Apparel leggings and Hot Topic sneer. She talks about 808s being "drums" and brags about drinking the hard stuff and throwing down with the roughest of boys.
Like I said, she should annoy the fuck out of me, but she just doesn't. I suspect I'm not gonna be the only one falling for what she's dishing out.

Will it stand up under repeat listens past this weekend? I can see a few tunes carrying through the year. Heck "TiK ToK" is still going strong and that came out last summer.
Ke$ha is young, cute, a bit off kilter, and is carrying around an abundance of hooks in her back pocket, tucked close to her American Apparel leggings and Hot Topic sneer. She talks about 808s being "drums" and brags about drinking the hard stuff and throwing down with the roughest of boys.
Like I said, she should annoy the fuck out of me, but she just doesn't. I suspect I'm not gonna be the only one falling for what she's dishing out.
Friday, January 01, 2010
On this day...
On this day...
...we did nothing.
And it was good.
...we did nothing.
And it was good.
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