Team Conan all the way.

However, a note to Conan's guests -- should NBC not pull him, like, tonight. Please stop telling him what a national resource he is and kissing up to him and letting him know how awful and unfair his situation is. We all already know that. And we also know that should Leno come out on top -- and he probably will because the world simply isn't fair all of the time when it comes to business objectives -- we know all the same celebrities will be only too happy to appear on Leno's show and tell him what a national resource he is and kiss up to him and let him know how awful and unfair that whole situation was.
that poster is a little wee bit nightmarish!
I know! It's one reason I find it so funny ... and I had already shared the Coco one elsewhere a few days ago so I didn't want to double it up here.
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