Friday, November 16, 2018

Gettin' groovy with Teddy Glass.

Check out the two suave gents that make up Teddy Glass.
My bad on this one. It's been sitting in my inbox for months and I kept trying to find just the right time to write about it, and I just never did. What I now realize is that while I kept trying to find the right moment, that was never going to happen because Teddy Glass' Nights And Weekends is pretty much right for every moment.

Nights And Weekends is a woozy, sway-worthy collection of tunes that dip their toes into light funk while also swirling around in the Yacht Rock territory. It's a foggy, hazy day in Chicago and these tunes seem to perfectly emerge ever so slowly from the mists. Conversely, these'd be terrific for a lazy summer day in the park. Or a sultry swirl and twirl around the dance floor. Or just nodding off on your couch with a really nice pair of headphones wrapped around your skull.

So lay back, enjoy your Friday, and let Teddy Glass show you where it's at.

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