Thursday, November 29, 2018

Relearning how to enjoy some of the core pleasures in my life.

I’m still having a hard time writing. Personal writing that is.* I think it’s just after months of emotional depletion, it’s going to take a while for the juices to fill up and start flowing again. In fact one of the most insidious things about the last year was the robbing my ability to both write personally and enjoy music. Two of the things that form the core of my being gradually went grayer and grayer. I mean, I’ve been able to do both things, but it takes more out of me than it used to. I have to work harder to emotionally connect to either one. Especially personal and music writing, which is distressing since those were things I could do immediately and effortlessly.**

But it is coming back. Throughout the past couple of months I did write down topics I wanted to talk about, and just never got around to. Don’t worry, it’s mostly fun stuff! Bands, recommendations, and funny memories. Of course there are also notes I completely don’t understand what I was trying to say—one is “Human Switchboard”?—but I keep them just in case they spark again.

So I guess you could say I’m priming the pump to take advantage of what I feel is an impending wave of output. And hopefully that output won’t contain too many terribly mixed metaphors like the previous sentence.

As always, if you’re still here and still reading, know that I appreciate you greatly.

*Work writing has never been better. But I use a different part of my brain (and soul) for that stuff.

**Some might say it’s a good thing I pulled back on the personal writing, and I’m inclined to agree with them. So maybe there’s a silver lining in there after all!

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