Monday, May 27, 2019

What did I do during my extended holiday weekend?

Here's a shocking answer to the question posited above—not much!

Aside from daily trips to the gym and the store I stayed in for most of the weekend. I did venture out to watch a matinee of Brightburn, but aside from that it was a lot of reading and a lot of catching up on streaming movies and series.* I honestly had to motivation to hit the bar scene, or hunt out a BBQ, or be all that social at all. It was nice to spend a weekend in. Yet another outgrowth of my trend wherein booze is avoided and regular sleeping schedules and daily exercise dominate.

If you had one, how was your holiday weekend?

*So, about Brightburn. The movie is exactly what you'd expect and I enjoyed it, but I went in expecting what I got. It's premise is simple—what if Superman was a bad guy—and its gore is plentiful when it occurs. I can't see this movie making the cut when it comes to a mid-day "there's nothing else on cable" watch, but it was entertaining enough for a single  viewing to see the premise, thin as it may be, play out.

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