Thursday, December 12, 2019

A to Z but only as far as D.

I promise it won't take me a year to get my list of fave music of the year 2019 because that would be ridiculous. But I am still working through albums from this year, so it ain't coming quite yet. I have an alphabetical playlist of the tankPHONE where I file all new music, and I'm still working through that.*

I'm kinda parking a half-thought here since it popped into my head while perusing other year-end lists: I think one reason people of a certain age (ahem) still value year-end lists is that when we, um I mean they, were younger year-end lists meant something different. They were attached to publications you trusted and those publications came from different musical directions, so lists varied wildly, and you could discover tons of new music. Aside from more super niche publications that ain't so much the case any longer. C'est la via, right? Like I said, a half-thought.

Anyway, back to that queue.

*I'm currently in the "Ds" and while that sounds insane I do listen to some stuff out of order and I'm always adding to it. What I really need to do is latch down on a cutoff point for additions for consideration. Oh yeah, that'd be December 2019, wouldn't it?!)

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