It's that time of year when almost everyone is out on vacation¹, so the office is pretty desolate. The plus is that I'm getting a lot of work done, but the minus is that it's, well, a little creepy. One of the engineers even told me he liked the fact I'm such a heavy typist -- since I'm writing quite a few manuals I'm typing alot lately -- as it reminded him that there were in fact other folks in the vicinity. this place would be a great setting for a zombie movie or something riht now.
So in the spirit of the holidays, I give you this:

More Fun With Santa™ photos can be found here. Hee-larious. And with that, back to my heavy typing of the instruction books that keep rushing down the line at me.
¹I'm saving my own vacation for next week. I'm deathly afraid Photogal is right this second busy dreaming up chores and tasks for me to accomplish during my time off, when all I want to do is loaf on the couch watching DVDs and maybe go out and get it on with a little holiday consumption of various libations a few nights next week.
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