Late start this morning, gotta get into work. Last night was (obviously) fun. I got to meet, though not really talk to, some of the other writers for Chicago MetBlog as well as one of the Gaper's Block folks.¹ Bloggers are cooler than you think.² Much loud music was played and many Festivus shots were consumed. I was also able to explain the historical importance of The Clash to James in under ten sentences. (They key to understanding the band, by the way, is to understand that they were one of the first punk groups to actually employ the notion of a melting pot of influences rather than merely paying lip service to or merely aping their heroes.)
Tonight is the Blue Meanies reunion at Double Door. I can't wait. Those guys were my heroes in the early '90s even though they sort of strayed from what I thought were their stronger points around 1996 or so. Whatever. They always put on a killer live show and tonight should be extra vicious and chock full o' Holiday Cheer™!
Apparently my friends are more than capable of having fun when I'm not around.
Seeing the two pictures below makes me really wish I hadn't missed the GinaJayleeKelly Holiday Party last weekend...

Oh well, there's always next year!
(Though, of course, you girls don't have to wait that long to have another party, y'know.)
¹For the record, and I can only speak in reltion to the experience of meeting the other bloggers, but we blew away the preconception that bloggers need be pale, quivering, overweight types fertively typing away by the glow of a computer screen. Chicago bloggers are a pretty good looking bunch. And we're smart too! But you knew that already.
²Though I can't figure out for the life of me how I didn't end up on this blogger's site. Is there no justice in the world that obviously revolves around me?!
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