so I’m not thinking all that clearly.
Let’s see, two days ago it was 60° Fahrenheit then we got thunderstorms then we got snow and now it’s like a frickin’ icebox outside. I thought The Day After Tomorrow was a shoddy work of exploitative fiction but now I’m beginning to wonder. So here’s a random sampling of thoughts/observations/impulses from the last week.
- I laughed out loud when I saw that an H2 had spun out into a ditch when we had a light frosting of ice earlier this week. Does that make me a bad person?
- I’m really digging the new Brendan Benson album though the first song “Spit It Out” totally and boldly steals the riff from another song and it’s killing me that I can’t put my finger on which one Benson’s ripping off.¹
- I am totally sucked into The OC. Photogal is less than pleased, especially since I fell asleep on the couch while watching disc four of the DVD set last night. Now that I’m enjoying the series so much I am beginning to feel the fear and steady certainty that the episodes must eventually go down in quality.
- Oh my god that girl at the end of the bar last Tuesday was so hot it made me ache in that momentary teenage twinge sort of way though I was successfully able to not stare. Kind of a cute punk rocker in the mythological way guys fantasize about lipstick lesbians. Did that make any sense?
- Having just written that I realize that Photogal may want to kick my ass. I hope she realizes that boys have no control over their drooling…as long as all they’re doing is drooling.
- Nope, she’s not gonna buy that, even though it’s true.
- I have no plans this weekend…at all. How is that possible? I need to do something social with my friends since I don’t really remember the sociable time we spent together last weekend all that well.
- I really need more bookshelves. Our house is out of control. I own a lot of books. After we solve that problem then we’ll tackle the DVD storage issue. Lastly we’ll look into the CD storage issue. Maybe I can build an underground warehouse just off the basement…
- Hmmm, I think it’s time to but some new T-shirts both in black and white. If I were to be caught in an accident and taken to the hospital wearing some of my undershirts my mother would be so embarrassed. She would also be able to stand over my bed as I convalesced and say, “I TOLD you to always wear clean underwear, now didn’t I?”
- I haven’t eaten fast food in quite a while. Good for me!
- I’ve also noticed my shoulders and chest are starting to bulk up a bit more than I’m used to and it’s freaking me out. Now if I could just get rid of the Citron and Soda/Maker’s Mark belly I’d be in pretty good shape.
- DoneWaiting has updated our logo but I can’t show it to you yet. It’s really pretty cool though. I can’t wait for the new T-shirts.
And finally, ever wondered what a real rock and/or roll DJ looks like? Of course you have. One would look like this:

This also neatly doubles as one of those obligatory MySpace/Friendster/Whatever Personal Profile pictures of the subject looking at something else dreamily while shooting themselves with their camera phone. The only thing that would make this photo more perfect would be if I was wearing a bra or posing in front of a Camaro.
¹I finally pinned it down. Benson has lifted the guitar line from Blurtonia's "Foxy By Proxy" and I've gotta give him props for pillaging a damn good but little known tune.
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