It snowed here yesterday. Alot. Alot alot. Way more than it has for a few years. This being Chicago, though, all the streets are clean and I have no excuse for not going into work. When I lived in Maryland and New Jersey there were snow days all the time since the municipalities weren't really prepared for snow. Ever.
Chicago just keeps on chugging. As an example of the Chicagoan work ethic it’s useful to look back a few years ago when we had like eighteen inches or something ridiculous it took until right before the time I would have had to leave for work for the sushi restaurant I worked at at the time, for the owner to call me and concede defeat and announce their own snow day. The next day most of the streets were still covered in snow, but I had to report for work anyway. that's Chicago for you...we work no matter what. Take THAT you East Coast pussies!¹
As an added bonus this year, since I'm living in Photogal's house I also get the pleasure of shoveling more sidewalk than I've had to in, oh, about a decade and a frickin' half! I shoveled the back walk twice already and it was already dusted with another layer of the wet stuff before I had even left this morning. On the flip side, we do have a garage, so it was nice to not have to shovel snow off my car as well.
All this was a rather wordy way to say I don't really have any content of any great worth today so instead I am posting this humorous diagram that was sent to me by an engineer.

How wacky. Ah, engineering humor...always so refreshing!
¹Okay, okay...yes we are manly and rugged and gifted with a solid work ethic but I admit a twinge of jealousy for those "East Coast pussy" types that get to stay home when it snows. There, I said it. Are you happy now?
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