So I decided to see what the Top 30 most played songs were on the ol' tankPOD and I admit I was a bit surprised.

clicky to make bigger so you can actually read this
Um, yeah. There goes my indie cred card! I will say if I had a docking port in my car the list would be a lot different, but tankPOD mostly gets utilized in the gym. That would certainly help explain the ABBA, wouldn't it?
So then I decided to let tankPOD pick it's own playlist through shuffle and here's what it came up with:

again, clicky to make bigger so you can actually read this
No wonder the little fucker kicked my ass when I DJed against it at Double Door that one time!
And on a more serious note…
A blog I really enjoyed reading – and which also led me to a number of other blogs I really enjoy – went off-line a few days ago. This particular blog served as sort of the lynchpin to the story of a bunch of young professional-types relatively new to the corporate world. When all the blogs were read together you could get this cool composite image of a many faceted story told from various angles. I really dug it.
The other blogs remain and continue to tell this story but I was a bit confused as to why the one that drew me in had vanished. A quick e-mail later I found out that a stalker had pushed the blog out of existence by displaying the usual ultra-scary stalkerish behavior. Man was I pissed.
Okay, I realize that by writing these things we open ourselves to critique from outside sources. By definition the fact that people choose a public forum to air their thoughts makes them, to a point, a public commodity. However writing on the Net is no different than writing a column for a newspaper or being a talking head on FOX in that the views espoused in all those venues are up for discussion but at no time would a reasonable human being presume to actually know the commentator on a deeper more personal level, right?
I’ve had people come up to me and say that they feel they already know me by reading what I write here and over at Lost In Guyville and that’s fine. I am pretty straightforward and I realize that what I write does pretty accurately reflect who I am. But I don’t think anyone would ever tell me they wanted to date me or become my best friend just because they read my blog. Rational people realize that. Irrational people don’t.
So, now there’s a void left due to one person’s unhealthy interest – and unfounded familiarity – with another person. I love writing and I love it when writing is enough to move, motivate or influence people. Writing is a powerful thing. What I don’t like is when someone unstable becomes consumed by another person’s writing to the point that reality and their own desire begins to merge and distort and create an unhealthy obsession.
I don’t like it but there’s not much I can do about it.
Okay, I really don't want to end on such a down note, so...
I've played many instruments in my time but one of my favorites has always been the drums. I guess I just like the noise and power involved. So imagine my excitment when I found out there was a movie floating around of two of my favorite drummers going at it head to head!
Yes, it's true, click here to see Buddy Rich take on Animal on The Muppet Show.
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