Also please note that you should have the evening of Saturday July 15 (four days from now) cleared of all other obligations so you can be at The Continental from 11pm until 5am to hear me "spin" there as well.
To recap. Tonight be at The Pontiac. Saturday be at The Continental. I have lots of new music to share with the public but I need bodies (e.g. YOU) there to constitute a "public presence" in the first place.
Okay, enough "quotes," just be there. Now, it is time for some random thoughts.

I'm sure I will return to the excised subject, and have saved the scalpeled 'graphs, but for now let's just keep it light. So in that vein, and to reward you for sitting through all of this blathering thus far, I offer you this singular treat. It is a high quality version of that damn Snakes On A Plane song I've been searching high and low for! It will have its big-speaker Chicago debut at The Pontiac tonight, but feel free to blast it in the office/dorm/WiFi hot-spot and display to anyone within the circumfrence of your system's possible auditory intrusion zone just how fucking cool you are.

Random Thought Three: Yesterday marked the third time I’ve worn my Phil Collins tour t-shirt that Betsy gave me² (at that last Rockit Girl show, actually) to work and it was the third time no one has commented on just how funny it is. I was growing annoyed that no one was getting the joke until, to my horror, it dawned on me that no one at work thought the t-shirt was a joke in the first place ... maybe my co-workers actually believed I was a Phil Collins fan! So I went to diPOD for consolation and while scrolling realized that it contained an awful lot of Phil Collins music and then, to my further horror, I realized that I am a Phil Collins fan! Sweet baby Jesus, how did that happen?

Random Thought Five: I stopped drinking Starbuck’s coffee about two months ago and just realized it today! It's not some sort of boycott ... I just kind of stopped drinking so much coffee period.
Random Thought Six: The computer fund. As many of you know I've been talking about buying a new computer, and have been saving up dollars here and dollars there when I can. I'm up to a little over $600 now. If I want to hold out for a MacBook I’m only a third of the way there but if I capitulate and just buy another PC I could have a new one delivered to my door tomorrow! I’m wavering kids, I admit it. Plus, someone told me I should wait at least a year before buying a MacBook so they can work out whatever kinks might be there, and I have to admit I don’t think I can wait twelve months for a new computer. Augh! The indecision!
Also, if anyone wants to donate to the Tankboy New Computer Fund™ as a belated birthday gift just shoot me an email and I'll tell you how.

Random Thought Eight: When did I turn into such a girl?
Random Thought Ten: Hey, where did Random Thought Nine go? Hm.
A Non-random Thought: The new Muse is out today. Pick it up from just about anywhere for under ten bucks and thank me later.
Post-script: Click the pics sprinkled throughout for expanded viewing pleasure. Honestly, click on Angelina Jolie. You know you want to.
And Finally: So long Syd.
¹Actually, the first footnote was excised along with the original Random Thought One content. Sorry about that.
²Sorry boys, as sexy a thought as a Phil Collins t-shirt gifting young lady is, she’s taken.
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