It is exactly one week later so hopefully everyone has finally slept off those hangovers. Here are a few photos Photogal and I snapped to give you a taste of the evening. They only capture a fraction of everything that was going on so if you were there and took your own photos feel free to send them my way!
Early in the evening, a few people showed up. The patio was packed too but you can't see that through the garage doors...

Things began politely enough. In this photo Diane hasn't assaulted anyone, Gina hasn't doused anyone, and Debbie hasn't insulted anyone.

This little guy was by far the youngest person I've ever had attend one of my parties!

While it is true that I arrived late to my own party, I did immediately start DJing. Photogal took over shortly after my first few tunes so I could run around and say hi to people. This is what I look like when DJing. Yeah, the top of my head is real exciting, huh?

This is Eric. He makes funny faces. I like Eric bunches.

Gina begins to show signs of drinking too much as her head begins a 360-degree Reagan rotation. Seriously, doesn't this look Photoshopped? It isn't! Spooky, eh?

I don't know who the dude with the hat is, but this picture is worth it solely for Tom's expression. Also, Joey looks quite nice too, don't you thik?

To the right is Kelly D, who was nice enough to give me a new pair of headphones for my birthday! I think it might have also been her not-so-subtle way of telling me she wants to DJ at The Pontiac again...

Balthi is always open for a good natured smooch, right Balthi?

This is Highball Chris and his lovely wife. Whenever a camera goes off his face immediately assumes that position.


Here's me and Debbie. She looks slightly annoyed. Maybe it was because I was tall and sweaty and she was short and dry and I was towering over her and invading her personal space. Sorry Debbie!

Daisy Glaze! Full-on! Yah yah yah!

Here is Mikey. He was the main bartender for the evening and he was awesome. He was helped out by a rotatating cast of Pontiac employess who would jump behind the bar when things got particularly hairy. Did I mention how awesome Mikey is?

This is why you don't give a drunk Tankboy a camera. At this point I was just taking random shots without even looking where the camera was pointing.


Fagballs always slips into a state of bliss when I put my head on his shoulder.

This is Mark. He sings for a band (who is playing at Double Door tonight, by the way.) I heard some of his new album a few days later (more about that in a second) and I think it just may be Bible Of The Devil's best work yet. Thanks for coming by Mark!

The one. The only. The Buddy. Buddy owns The Pontiac and just may be the "Mayor of Wicker Park." Ask him about that party he and his brother went to with Prince that one time. It's a terrific story.

Josh designed the poster for the party. I love this picture for a million different reasons, but number one is that smile he's sporting.

This is Nate. he just got a cell phone for the first time and has grown addicted to texting people. He also has a sweet van that he gave me and some other folks a tour of a few nights later. It was in that van that I heard some of the new Bible Of The Devil disc.

This is my number one lady. Need I say any more?

Nick Ritz is also quite adept at making funny faces that defy logical notions of facial physics.

But Eric will still do him one better!

Gina! Stop messing up what could have been a nice picture of Chris and Debbie!

Ahhhhh. That's much better. Or did I mean to say, "Awwwwww?"

Double awwwwwwwwwww!

As is obvious here, the evening was filled with the rock and/or roll and was a total success. Maybe too much of a success since it was pretty hard to even move in the bar for the first few hours...

Thanks again to everyone who came out, all the bands that played, and the staff of The Pontiac for making this the best birthday show yet. Next year? I'm getting TripleFastAction, Woolworthy, Mil Mulliganos and The Smashing Pumpkins back together. Now that party's going to rock!
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