Whoa dude, am I the luckiest guy in the world or what? Talk about a perfectly bookended day! First off, I get to wake up every morning with a beautiful woman. Tonight, I get to hang out with two beautiful women while I DJ. See?

Hubba-freaking-hubba, huh? Sorry, though, boys; they’re both taken. However they will be taking requests¹ ... tonight ...when they are the guest DJs at The Pontiac! The young lady on the left is Ms. Debbie Mint and the one on the right, DJ Braceface (a.k.a. Gina K of The Venom Lords) should be familiar from a number of photos that have appeared on my page (primarily because she has supplied me with most of the photographic evidence I have of most social events I have attended.)
Lest you think I am only shamelessly promoting myself, I would also like to direct you to The Assassins page where their brand new album, that I lauded with praise last week, is now available. See, I shamelessly promote all kinds of stuff!
Oh yeah, more shameless promotion in no way connected to me! Between 10:30 and 11:30pm tonight don't forget to send a text message reading "Milk At Midnight" to 99161 to help them, them being the Chicago band Milk At Midnight, move forward in the battle of the bands to perform at Lollapalooza!
I am so selfless.
¹Do you like how I did that whole sales thing, whetting appetites with promises of beautiful girls and then contrasting "taken" and "taking" and using that to segue into shameless self-promotion? I should so work in marketing, huh? Oh wait ... I do.
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