It's been a weird week. I'm coming down with something (blocked sinuses, chills, achy, blargh) but seem to be holding it just at bay with the magical Wellness Formula. The band needs to vacate our practice spot by the end of the month so I'm anxious to get the rest of my drum tracks down. I'm also hoping to play a show at The Note May 1 -- since they're turning the place into a sports bar I was really hoping to get at least one show in there before the transformation --but, again, the practice space situation might preclude us from accepting that. Blargh again.
On the work front I've been busy, which is nice, so I don't really have any complaints there. I got the last of my furniture from Photogal's house yesterday, and we had a chance to catch up with each other since we've both been so busy lately, and that was great.
It just doesn't feel like I have a whole bunch going on, and I don't really want to plan anything right now because I'm just not motivated to do so. I'm sure a large part of that is due to the physical "icks" I'm battling, and the rest of it is probably the end of the sugar rush that was the last two incredibly busy weeks.
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