We broke up five months ago but sometimes it feels like five years, and sometimes only five days. Don't know why that popped into my head, since it has zero to do with what I actually want to write about, but it did. Even now my fingers are moving across the keyboard and I'm not sure why I can't control them.
Stop. Re-start. O.K.

I also put up a contest for tickets to see The Teenagers next week. My new lady saw them a few months ago at Sonotheque and thought they were terrible, but I'm betting that had more to do with the idea of a live band at Sonotheque amongst the Dark Wave Disco crowd and less to do with the band itself. Anyway, I've been diggin' the disc, and find it's electro-trashy '80s vibe endearing ... uh oh, here comes that nostalgia again! Moving on.
Tonight I'm supposed to go to a friend's party, but there is so much going on that I feel pulled in fifteen different directions at once. In a perfect world I'll make it to Double Door to see Skid and a bit of The Last Vegas, to The Abbey to see The Cells and Off Broadway, and to Panic! to wish the boys a happy anniversary. Maybe I should just save myself the headache and just go to the party?

I am super-slammed busy, in other words. Oh! To top it off I'm trying to throw together a show at The Note next week since I really wanted to play there before they stop having bands -- especially since I was the dude that started brining in the rock to that joint oh so many years ago -- but while I would be happy to just show up and bash away it's looking less likely. Grrrrr.
And in closing (Jesus, was this a fragmented post or what?) I'd like to recommend two movies, The Mist and Cloverfield. What? I'm the last person in America to see them? Really? Oh well. The Mist kicked ass with a totally unexpected ending (seriously, even me writing this won't help you expect it, it's genius), and I'm glad I saw Cloverfield on the small screen, because I probably would have gotten dizzy watching it in a movie theater. It was a pretty cool way to twist the monster movie viewpoint on it's head, though.
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