So we made the move. I realized this was my first major move in about a decade so it got me all nostalgic for old times, so here are a few pictures from my past...

This is my favorite picture of me in high school. It kinda captures my attitude, well, perfectly. I think this is Senior year and we were on our way to The Art Institute. I remember corrupting this poor underclassman and sucking all the nitrus from cans of whipped cream at a Walgreen's during lunch that day.

This is The Gallery, a bar in Normal, Illinois I worked in for most of my time in between dropping out and then re-enlisting in college. This was the center of the freak universe once you turned 21 and weren't stuck going to parties. All the cool bands played here too. The dude walking was the manager Dan and the guy sitting is one of my old roomates.

...and here I am again, caught somewhere in my Mike patton/Stone Roses/Anthony Keidis phase. Hottness!

This was my first serious girlfriend after high school and she rocked my world. She was also an actress and after her I swore I would never date anyone associated with the theater again. I've kept my word.

This is another ex-roomate who is also one of my best friends. At the time this shot was taken we were both living with my then girlfriend Mindy, who was serious serious girlfriend number three while in Normal. There are no pictures of girlfriend number three, Claudia, but if you see a box of Radio-pens at a drugstore check-out, she's the girl in the stock photo used on the stand-alone displys.

This is Mindy, serious girlfriend number three. She was totally hot but, as I learned, this was her primary strength. A nice enough girl even though she was a little mixed up. I used to run into her occassionally once I moved to Chicago but now she's disappeared. I hope she's doing well.

This is Lurch, the first car I ever bought. I'd owned a car before then but this was the first I laid down cold hard cash for. I think it was $75 or so. The girl I bought it from is the same one who sold me my current car a year ago! The more things change the more they stay the same, eh?

A rare shot of me actually fronting a band. I think this was upstairs at The Gallery so it must've been 1993 or so. I was probably cussing out a girlfriend in the audience or howling like a dog or something.

And now, to tie all of these photos to something more recent (a bridge of sorts if you will,) Photogal had her birthday party a few years ago at The Rainbow Roller Rink (where, by the way, people take their roller skating very seriously) and she, along with my friend Alison and I, tried to recreate the cover to a Smashing Pumpkins single (1979 I think?) shot in the same place. We were/are dorks. okay, not total dorks since I am wearing a totally vintage Tones On Tail tour T-shirt. That's pretty cool, right?
NOTE: Does anyone out there that knows me have more photos from these "lost years" they wanna send me? Sometimes I need this sort of stuff to help me sift through the haze that my twenties were...
Tomorrow, more about the big move and thoughts about the new digs!
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