Well, I was out too late last night because I learned the hard way that either the North Avenue bus does NOT run 24 hours or, if it does, it runs very rarely in the wee hours of the morning. On the bright side this meant I got a bit more exercise than usual walking down North Avenue between Damen and Grand before finally finding a cab. On the downside it's a fucking miracle I didn't get killed. Have you SEEN what’s out there on that stretch of road at that hour? NOT a particularly friendly group of folks.
Speaking of unfriendly, this turned up in today’s Chicago Tribune:
Justice could get swifter with a court at Wrigley
Published July 16, 2004
CHICAGO -- Responding to complaints about rowdiness during Cubs home games, Chicago police officials and Ald. Thomas Tunney (44th) are discussing the possibility of having a court outside Wrigley Field to deal with drunken and disorderly fans.
Talks exploring options for a court began two weeks ago and are at an early stage, said David Bayless, a Police Department spokesman. The options include having a bus stationed at the ballpark to serve as a makeshift courtroom or to transport arrested fans to the nearest police lockups and courts, he said.
"We're willing to look at it, but it's only an idea at this point," Bayless said.
"We are listening to many different ideas in our community, and certainly support the Chicago police," said Mike Lufrano, vice president for community affairs for the Cubs.
Me personally? I’m all for folks dressing up in costumes and getting all Grendel on the drunken fratboys stumbling out of Wrigley, but I’ll take a courtside (pun intended) if that’s the best the city will do.
And, to leave you all with some fun images to work over in that cute little brain of yours, here are two random images from last night. One is us speeding to The Cells show and the other is, in fact, The Cells, rocking out with their you-know-whats out. Whee!

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