Did anyone else get all sentimental for happier times watching Bill Clinton talk at the convention last night? I tuned in near the end of the speech and thought he was well spoken.
Well, I thought it was the end of his speech.
I had actually turned on my local FOX affiliate and caught his speech from 9:50 until 10:00 when they panned to their color commentators who said, "Clinton is finishing up so why don't we end our coverage here." Well, I turned to ABC to hear just how Bill was going to sum everything up and was treated to about another 20 minutes of speech! I see FOX has extended its "Fair and Balanced" coverage beyond cable. I had suspected as much but last night was pretty ridiculous.
Blasted tires...
I went out to go to work yesterday and noticed something glinting off my front tire...and realized it was the metal underneath the rubber tread! I can’t believe I didn't suffer a blow-out but it sure explains why my car was driving so poorly on Saturday afternoon. I still need to get it fixed but since I don't know any tire shops near my new house I need to limp back to the tire shop I trust in the 'hood. For that reason I'm heading into work extra early today so I can get out earlier than usual and get all the errands done that I need to do this evening, thus leaving early morning tomorrow wide open for tire replacement. How exciting. Yeah, I know, it's boring. Think of what could have happened though, with my tire blowing out while I was speeding along at 7o M.P.H. and then smashing into the median and then flipping over into oncoming traffic and then going all explodey in a huge mass of flames!
That would have been an exciting post! Painful, but exciting.
Get your hands off of my bone, mother fu-

Lucy throws down some attitude and tackles a tasty treat that's half her size.
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