Thursday, September 09, 2004

Let's just pile on the misery, shall we?
It's a regular frickin' pity-party around here!

On top of everything else I have a fucking cold. In September. That totally blows. Like, gag me with a spoon, that's so grody. Fer shure.

I'm not used to being in a funk like this. Usually I'm a pretty easygoing fellow, aside from the usual artsy brooding that comes with the territory but nothing near the level of, say, an undergrad smoking cloves in a coffeehouse for gosh sake, but right now I'm definitely on the verge of suffering a case of the official patented Holly Golightly approved "mean reds." I'm sure it'll pass, I just need some quality time with the one thing that always makes me feel better. The one, the only...Betty the Beagle

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