Avril Lavigne for dressing up like a Hooter's waitress
to help get my mind even further off the election.

In order to live in denial, for at least one day,
I took this silly quiz.
Today, I'll do whatever it takes to cheer me up, because starting tomorrow I now have a lot of work to do if I'm gonna help get this country back on track.
You must like to spank or be spanked, because your
romance is remeniscent of Secretary. A truly
modern love story, it shows that you don't need
to be conventional to be normal. You're
probably the type that owns a whole lot more
leather than what's upholstering your car or
sofa. Yeah, you know what I mean.
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
Hm. Fitting, I guess. In a broader sense. Hmm...but, no, Photogal does not run around the apartment in a latex bodysuit so get your mind out of the gutter.
Not that I'd protest too loudly if she did, mind you...
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