and shews his extreme prowess at overcoming daunting situations.
Okay, no daunting situations, really, I just wanted to include heading that seemed action-packed since my weekend was so tame. Friday I did nada and Saturday was spent watching movies and tidying up the house in expectation of a visit from some of our good friends from Minneapolis. We did couple-type things in the evening and had a lovely time Afterwards I stopped by the Pontiac for a spell to catch The Memories and hang out with Rudy for a bit. The show ran late so I got home a little later than I had planned which, of course, launched the -
[deleted by author]
Okay, at this point the post took a decidedly less humorous turn. It also took a turn into dangerous territory that would have insured a certain young lady I live with would have probably kicked my ass. And I’m not talking about Betty the Beagle.
Okay, you know what? That’s just too much deep thought on a Monday morning. Here’s all you need to really know about Photogal: She’s the kind of person who will rent the Olsen Twins’ New York Minute for me because she knows (even though I’ve never said so) that I secretly wanted to see it but would never be able to commit the embarrassing act of actually renting it.
Now that’s pretty perfect, if you ask me.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This marks the first appearance of the Olsen Twins EVER on this site and we blame it on Mr. Tankboy's reading too many NYC-based blogs. We apologize. We tried to get him to post a picture of O.D.B. instead to mark the man's passing but Tankboy just said, 'Fuck you, I wanna pic of the Twins so I've got somwthing to look at if I'm bored at work, okay motherfucker?"
We couldn't help but comply with the author's original intent and wishes.
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