Monday, October 09, 2006


The past few days have been nuts and are night impossible to summarize, but allow me to hit a few of the more memorable moments / impressions with a bunch of bullet points.

WARNING: This is probably one of the few posts that is so littered with inside jokes the casual reader may be left scratching their head. Since I do tend to veer towards topics designed for general public consumption, I do hope you'll forgive this momentary lapse.

  • We thought it would be a good idea to kill off the whole bottle of Maker's Mark Friday night.
  • Hilarious Wilde and Boozy McBooze.
  • Getting back to my tent after what seemed like a seven mile hike lit up by only the full moon and having to admit I got totally and utterly lost ... while only being a few feet away the whole time.
  • "Gayly" leading into "ostentatiously."
  • A Woolworthy reunion that would have made The Replacements proud.
  • "Did that woman just walk down those stepsto get onto that motorized wheelchair?"
  • "So apparently Little Switzerland is also Land of the Bees."
  • The return on the iPeel.
  • Pickle the Cat!
And there was so much more, but it is early on a Monday and I suspect it's going to be a busy day, so I may as well get on with it, eh?

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