My second biggest question was actually echoed by Photogal about twenty minutes into the movie when she asked, "Didn't Nicolas Cage used to be balding pretty badly? Where did all that hair come from?"
The fact that these were the two biggest questions of the evening should immediately tell you something about the movie, huh? Let's just say we were both glad we saw it for free.
The movie does look cool, even if come of the computer generated animation comes off as a little hokey. There is a fair amount of camp throughout the proceedings, and I thought that was appropriate. The only problem was that quite a bit of the audience obviously expected a dark, scary film, and there responses bore their dissatisfaction with the movie as it progressed.

I thought the movie felt incomplete. It's formulaic. It's a tad hokey. But it's also reasonably entertaining and I think a lot of the credit to that is due to three main factors: Nic Cage's acting, some pretty subtle and some pretty over the top CG effects, and the ever expanding roll* of Eva Mendes' breasts coupled with the auxiliary role* of her ever shrinking shirts.
So, in the paean of comic book based movies I'd rate this a moderate success, maybe a step below Hellboy but a couple rungs above Daredevil.
*Both spellings are intentional, thank you.
UPDATE: donewaiting's awesome new film critic J. Caleb Mozzocco (we've officiallly gone multimedia over there!) did an excellent review of the film right here.
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