Of course, every once in a while, my use of "invariably" is exposed as incorrect.
this morning we actually do seem primed to get a big ol' weather smack down ... right on through the morning rush hour. I am so glad I no longer work in a far North suburb since that drive would just be hellacious. My commute to Oak Park will probably be far more painful than usual today, but at least it's not Lake Forest, right? (At least that's what I'll be muttering under my breath as people crawl along in front of me, gawk at accidents, and generally forget what little driving skills they ever had in the face of so much white stuff blanketing their surroundings.
My primary worry concerns the fact Photogal took the day off today to meet up with some folks at the Michigan farm house to investigate some issues with the heating system out there. If the snow is this bad here, I can only imagine what her drive North will be like. And Photogal is not the sort to be dissuaded by something as minor as a snow storm that brings half a state to its knees. Not when she's got a Jeep!
So, if you live in the area, drive slowly, stay safe, and for God's sake, stay home if at all possible. When travel time are already pushing an hour for distances that usually report in at fifteen minutes this early in the day, you know it's going to be rough going, so if folks can stay off the road that do not HAVE to travel, it's safer for everyone.
And yes Photogal, I'm looking at you.
(I mean, it's natural to wory and not want your significant other driving a couple hundred miles in the weather, right? I'm not being a worrywart or a wuss or anything like that, right?)
Semi-spoiler alert for 24 and Heroes.
I don't give away and real specifics, bout if you like watching your shows with absolutely zero knowledge of what went on, skip on down to the next section.

And Heroes. I'm still a week behind but the reveal of Claire's REAL dad was one of those moments that makes me love television. It caught me totally off-guard and wonderfully blindsided me without being at all implausible. Unlike the fleet of rogue helicopters in 24.
NO Rock and/or Roll Tuesdays at Pontiac tonight!
As a matter of fact, no Rock and/or Roll Tuesdays at Pontiac at all anymore!

Look for us to be teaming up with some old friends at new locations, as well as scheduling appearances in venues / bars / clubs we've all grown to love.
Don't feel like we're abandoning you to fend for yourselves on Tuesdays; view it as our commitment to keep things as fresh and fun for you (and us) as possible!
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