Something else I've noticed, since I ramped down the booking over the summer, is that a number of people have approached me to show their appreciation for what I do. Apparently promoting is a lot harder than they thought, and they're kind of right. It can be tough. But as long as you stick to your guns, work with the people you want to, and pick your shows judiciously it can be incredibly rewarding too. And sometimes you even make a little money!
Anyway, tonight's bill is.
Elbo Room
Tankboy presents:
The Midnight Shows
Lovers In Transit
Ash In Pensacola
Doors: 8:00 p.m.
Show: 9:00 p.m.
$8 cover
It really should be a lovely time. And then I DJ tomorrow. And then ... aw hell, Wicker Park Fest is this weekend too. You may as well just give in, start drinking tonight, and come up for air sometime Monday morning.
And yes, I have been waiting for MONTHS to use that photo of Rudy and a gorilla from Ten56.
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