I'm no sports fan, but yesterday my little brother sent me the below excerpts from an online chat about baseball with Keith Law, one of ESPN's baseball columnists. My little brother knows me all too well.
Keith Law: So here's my question: Why would MLB create a postseason ad campaign called "actober" starring some comic I've never heard of when they could have made one called "ACK!tober" starring Bill the Cat? I'm sure he's available.and later in the same chat . . .
Bob (Seattle): Didn't Bill the Cat get busted for using steroids previously? I know he was at least using the nose candy that Dave Parker and Keith Hernandez were in the 80s. Tuba Solo!!!and then this . . .
SportsNationKeith Law: I always enjoyed the fact that he would disappear from the strip for months, with the explanation that he was off on a bender or lying on the bathroom floor in a drug-induced coma or something.
Michael (ATL): Looking at his early v. late pictures, Opus had to be on steroids, right?
SportsNationKeith Law: His nose was.
Hmmm ... you decide.

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