Really, only that long ago?It's a little chillier outside, but other than that the day is eerily similar to
that other Tuesday a few years ago. I re-watched
Three Kings last night and was stunned by its prescience.

And then I thought of the sense of community this country briefly shared, and was sickened by the thought that only absolute horror will bring out the best in people. Fear, on the other hand, keeps people united, but with no direction. And the parties in power know that and continue to foster a continued state of fear in order to force a false communal response. Instead of inspiring people to help each other, the events of the past few years have only served to bond people together, clutching tightly at each other's shirtsleeves, gnashing their teeth, fearful of moving forward or backwards, fearful of any administrative change, fearful of DOING anything.
And I remember feverishly riding my bike to Photogal's six years ago, ducking and weaving, and scanning the sky above me, unsure of what could happen, and feeling a different fear. The fear of instant annihilation, but also the fear that if something didn't change, if WE didn't change, things were going to get a lot worse.
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