Something else that's making me a little sad right now? This non-stop winter!
ONE: In order to be a dude in Williamsburg it is a necessity to get a short choppy haircut and attempt to grow out as much of a beard as is physically possible while lounging in your vintage T-shirt.How funny, huh?
TWO: A Chicago point of reference? Williamsburg is what the world would look like if Rainbo Club exploded over a couple square blocks...only folks are a hell of a lot more friendly.
DO YOU HAVE SKILLZ ON THA 1'S AND 2'S? DO YOU SPIN ROCK(RAWK), METAL, PUNK, DANCE ROCK ETC? WELL MAKE ME A C.D. AND DROP IT OFF AT [redacted] W/ YR. CONTACT INFO TO [redacted]. DJ SETS ARE GENERALY 4 HOURS AND NO IPOD PLAYLISTS ARE TOLERATED. THAT MEANS YOU DONT MAKE A PLAYLIST AND WALK AWAY. ONLY DJ'S NEED APPLY. JUST CUZ YOU HAVE AN IPOD DONT MAKE YOU A DJ. THANKS!However, because I am a good guy, plus I know for a fact the club does pay decently, if you fit the description above, get a hold of me and I'll forward the contact info to you.
Listen, I bike. And often car drivers ARE assholes, but sometimes bikers need to take responsibility for their actions. Entering a race that encourages you to flaunt the law and race through red lights? That is not cool, and does not cement your status as a "cool dude" or as a card-carrying member of the counterculture. It puts you in danger, and that danger is a risk you willingly take on. It's a s simple as that. The man's death was a tragedy ... but it was an avoidable tragedy.The arrogant fatuity of hard-core bicyclists was on display last night on ABC-7 news when Chuck Goudie interviewed "longtime cycling organizer Alex Wilson " about the death of a Chicago man Sunday who ran a red light while engaged in an illegal cycle race through city streets and was struck by an SUV:
To blame the victim for dying such a tragic death I think is an injustice. It's an injustice that our culture is so embedded in auto use and the convenience of autos that we're willing to let our friends and loved ones be killed.
No, we are not "willing" to let them be killed. We think it's contemptible and odious that organizers and participants in such races are "willing" to risk not only their lives but the lives of all innocent people in their paths to participate in this "sport."
I'm sorry to report that Chicago Police and Cook County prosecutors are not planning to pursue charges charges against those who organized Sunday's race.