Honestly? This has never happened to me.

I admit I've had the odd offer, but I just can't choose songs and insert them into the mix while something that distracting is going on.
But maybe you can! (Ladies, use your imagination and picture yourself on the receiving end of something just as, erm, nice.)
If you are interested in spinning with me in a guest DJ spot on a Tuesday send me an email ASAP to tankboy (at) gmail (dot) com. I'm setting up the schedule this week for the next few months while Rudy is on sabbatical whipping his band into shape. You will need to provide your own iPods/CD players/turntables/Walkmen/laptop and I will provide the mixer.
If you feel like bringing an electonic device by this Tuesday to test the waters, feel free! Just drop me a line beforehand. I will begin scheduling guests starting the following Tuesday.
P.S. The picture¹ is purely for yucks. And it almost didn't make the post. No, it's not because I find the notion of that particular act offensive or anything like that. Hell, I'm now kicking myself for not taking advantage of such tomfoolery in my younger and unattached years. However what I do find offensive is such a terrible abuse of the exposed thong. S-to-the-kank-to-the-ee.
P.P.S. The thong debate rages on.
¹Photogal asked me about the "offers" I received in that capacity and I had to admit that the type of women offering me such a "favor" were always so awful I never took it as a compliment. Honestly though, I went through a lot of agonizing over that picture above...that it might come off as too chauvinistic or "Maxim-dude-ish" or something...ultimately, though, I figured anyone that reads my blog knows me and knows it's supposed to be very tongue in cheek. If I could've found an image of a guy giving a female DJ the same type of "props" I would've used that.
Plus, sorry mom!
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