- My car died on the way to work. I just picked it up from my mechanic yesterday after it had been there for a week and a half. And the exact same thing that caused me to take it in happened this morining which means all the work they did on it was for something that wasn't even wrong with the car in the first place.
- I found out that the place I used to DJ is now promoting a night opposite ours. They say that they are playing "Ten56 style" music. Nice way to see them rip us off by trying to mimic the music we made popular at Ten56 in the first place!
- I can't stop sweating and feel constantly "moist."
- Last night was a beautiful night but almost no one I know stopped by Pontiac. Where the hell was everyone? (I mean if Gina can come out when she's eight months pregnant NONE of you has a valid excuse.)
- I've been to the gym twice in the past ten days and i feel like a lazy slacker.
- My cell phone's ear piece no longer works no matter what I try so I'm reduced to walking around with an ear bud hanging down and I feel like a half-deaf fool.
- I now remember why I always cut my hair in the summer. Humidity + Tankboy's long hair = BOZO.
- Did I mention my car FUCKING BROKE DOWN AGAIN?!
- I am still sans mixer so the whole guest DJ thing I had planned for June and July is on indefinite hold.
- My $8 mandals finally bit the dust. Oh wait, maybe that’s a good thing.

BONUS NUMBER ELEVEN: I ran into a door¹ at home last night while letting the pooches out and now I have a dent in my forehaed. OW!
¹No, Photogal isn't knocking me around. I actually ran into a door!
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