One of those nights.
Yeah, I don't know where my ell phone is. I have a really good idea (under the counter at Ten56 where my bag was sitting I hope I hope I hope) but I don't know for sure. It was that kind of night. When I finally stumbled home I was booted to the couch and I can’t say I blame Photogal one bit.
Here's the odd thing: I feel great this morning! I got up early, ate, got ready and got out the door in record time. It wasn't until I was halfway to work that I even realized that regularly after a night like last night I would still be sleeping and groggily dragging myself out of bed.
So what was so special about last night that it warranted the breaking of the self-imposed post-DJ curfew and risking the wrath of Photogal? Nothing! That’s the wild part...absolutely nothing. It was just one of those drunken, fun, fumbly evenings filled with great music, sexy dancing and lotsa shots with rock and/or rollin' types.
So I was thinking about ex-girlfriends since one of mine is being used as the art in some radio-pen display I keep seeing at Walgreen’s. I think it's some clip art photo she posed for since I've seen the picture elsewhere and even though I've googled her name (Claudia Tsesis...there maybe it’ll pop up now!) I can’t find an on-line image of her or I'd post it.
Anyway, seeing the ad got me to thinking about encounters with exes, or sort-of-kindas and almost-but-not-quites, and the inevitable question:
"Do you ever wonder what would have happened
if we had stayed together/dated/gotten squishy?"
Um, yeah I’ve wondered and I always came to the same conclusion. If we had stayed together/dated/gotten squishy we probably would have been miserable. I mean we broke up/didn't date/stayed away from the squishy-squish for a reason right? This, of course, is not an absolute truism (especially since me and Photogal have dated on and off for, jeez, almost ten years) but it's a right on statement more often than not. ¹
I'm wandering here but I just looked at that rave era photo I posted of my self yesterday. Are my eyes that freaking big. Hold on, here's a mirror. Yikes! They are! I was an alien baby!
Speaking of babies, here's another pic of my brand spankin' new nephew:

All together now...AWWWWWWWWWWW...
I ran into my friend Hope last night and she told me, well rather her ex announced, that she had been mud-wrestling at a party last weekend and ended up topless. I realized she was at the same party that Jason Pettus had been writing about the past couple of days and I realized that I'm not as much of a rock and/or roller as I thought I was if I'm missing parties with half-naked girls slipping around in a kiddie pool full of mud while Hope is getting topless...crap!
Okay, to recap, we've gone over unwarranted late-night carousing, ex-girlfriends, alien babies and topless mud-wrestling. I'd say that should just about wrap it up for the day, don’t you think?
Oh wait a minute, this is a better way:

Now that's hot. Photogal rulez. Now, onward, upward and off to work. Man I wish I had an intern to help me catch up on this backlog of work that piled up over the last week while I was out. Remind me to add "intern" to my Christmas wish-list this year.
¹ That whole me and Photogal on/off thing can get a bit confusing for outsiders. For instance at my dad’s wake a few of my brother's friends who were at his wedding a few years back were asking me about Photogal and seemed stunned to find out we had been together as long as we had. Then the looks of "you dog" started to dart out of the eyes of the women since I had hooked up with a really cute Hungarian girl at my brother's wedding (who later flew out to visit me and boy did we have fun while she was here so let me take this opportunity to thank my brother's friend Balasz for bringing Mikolt to the wedding in the first place) and they were thinking I had cheated on my girlfriend. Luckily my brother caught this and explained that I was indeed single at the time and would certainly not cheat on my girlfriend.
Which is, of course, true but I did enjoy looking like the bad boy for a second.
Yeah, I don't know where my ell phone is. I have a really good idea (under the counter at Ten56 where my bag was sitting I hope I hope I hope) but I don't know for sure. It was that kind of night. When I finally stumbled home I was booted to the couch and I can’t say I blame Photogal one bit.
Here's the odd thing: I feel great this morning! I got up early, ate, got ready and got out the door in record time. It wasn't until I was halfway to work that I even realized that regularly after a night like last night I would still be sleeping and groggily dragging myself out of bed.
So what was so special about last night that it warranted the breaking of the self-imposed post-DJ curfew and risking the wrath of Photogal? Nothing! That’s the wild part...absolutely nothing. It was just one of those drunken, fun, fumbly evenings filled with great music, sexy dancing and lotsa shots with rock and/or rollin' types.
So I was thinking about ex-girlfriends since one of mine is being used as the art in some radio-pen display I keep seeing at Walgreen’s. I think it's some clip art photo she posed for since I've seen the picture elsewhere and even though I've googled her name (Claudia Tsesis...there maybe it’ll pop up now!) I can’t find an on-line image of her or I'd post it.
Anyway, seeing the ad got me to thinking about encounters with exes, or sort-of-kindas and almost-but-not-quites, and the inevitable question:
if we had stayed together/dated/gotten squishy?"
Um, yeah I’ve wondered and I always came to the same conclusion. If we had stayed together/dated/gotten squishy we probably would have been miserable. I mean we broke up/didn't date/stayed away from the squishy-squish for a reason right? This, of course, is not an absolute truism (especially since me and Photogal have dated on and off for, jeez, almost ten years) but it's a right on statement more often than not. ¹
I'm wandering here but I just looked at that rave era photo I posted of my self yesterday. Are my eyes that freaking big. Hold on, here's a mirror. Yikes! They are! I was an alien baby!
Speaking of babies, here's another pic of my brand spankin' new nephew:

All together now...AWWWWWWWWWWW...
I ran into my friend Hope last night and she told me, well rather her ex announced, that she had been mud-wrestling at a party last weekend and ended up topless. I realized she was at the same party that Jason Pettus had been writing about the past couple of days and I realized that I'm not as much of a rock and/or roller as I thought I was if I'm missing parties with half-naked girls slipping around in a kiddie pool full of mud while Hope is getting topless...crap!
Okay, to recap, we've gone over unwarranted late-night carousing, ex-girlfriends, alien babies and topless mud-wrestling. I'd say that should just about wrap it up for the day, don’t you think?
Oh wait a minute, this is a better way:

Now that's hot. Photogal rulez. Now, onward, upward and off to work. Man I wish I had an intern to help me catch up on this backlog of work that piled up over the last week while I was out. Remind me to add "intern" to my Christmas wish-list this year.
¹ That whole me and Photogal on/off thing can get a bit confusing for outsiders. For instance at my dad’s wake a few of my brother's friends who were at his wedding a few years back were asking me about Photogal and seemed stunned to find out we had been together as long as we had. Then the looks of "you dog" started to dart out of the eyes of the women since I had hooked up with a really cute Hungarian girl at my brother's wedding (who later flew out to visit me and boy did we have fun while she was here so let me take this opportunity to thank my brother's friend Balasz for bringing Mikolt to the wedding in the first place) and they were thinking I had cheated on my girlfriend. Luckily my brother caught this and explained that I was indeed single at the time and would certainly not cheat on my girlfriend.
Which is, of course, true but I did enjoy looking like the bad boy for a second.
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