First things first. Tonight Rudy and I are DJing our Third Annual Dead Rocker Night a.k.a.Rot-N-Roll party and this year it’s at innjoy. We’ll play songs by or featuring dead rock and/or rollers (and yes, we consider both Johnny Cash and Dizzy Gillespie to fit under the fucking rock and/or roll umbrella) as well as cover tunes (songs in costumes, get it?) and songs that fit the theme of the evening. You know, like hoe “Jesus Christ Superstar” is a song about a dead guy. Well, a guy who was dead for a while at least.
As an added bonus the bar is giving us a $100 gift certificate to award to the best costume so come as a dead rocker or a slutty cop or G.I.Joe or a Golden Girl or whatever…any costume is eligible for entry.

Second things second. After my freak-out yesterday, whereupon I realized I no longer had any disposable income, I was very happy when I was outbid for the Michael Hutchence solo album on eBay. I was even happier when I found it at a used CD store during my lunch break for three bucks, or about forty dollars less than some poor sucker is going to pay for it on eBay. Sorry dude or dudette.
Also, I hunted down and found a copy of the Michael Jackson song "Scream" on-line. I remembered actually liking it when it came out because a) it had his sister Janet in it b) the video was pretty cool and c) his sister Janet was in really tight spaceship clothes in the video. What was not to like about the tune? Well, I’m glad I found an mp3 on some cat’s website because after listening to the song again I am reminded how easily our memory can betray us. The tune ain't as nifty as I remember it being. Oh well, it's still probably the most daring thing he's done in over a decade so I wonder why it never appears on any of his comps other than that complete piece of crap HIStory. Feh, whatever.
And last things last. Hmmm…I got nothin’ else, so I guess that’s last!
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