Guess where you're going tomorrow night? The Note! It's my first show there in, well, years. I'm co-promoting it with the nice folks over at MPShows and couldn't be more excited by the line-up of Milk At Midnight, The Assembly, Farewell Captain and TrapperKeeper. I will be DJing between sets so have no fear, there will be no jock-rock in the joint to ruin the mood.
Now look at the purty poster used to promote this musical event!
(Make with the clicky to enlarge.)

And now, I hope my nephew had a better bithday yesterday than this poor guy..

Super-brief thoughts on a sporting event.
Yesterday Photogal and I attended a White Sox game. It was my first ball game on the South Side in over five or six years. Neither of us are really baseball fans so our primary focus was on how much crappy food we could waste our money on while there. We had some sort of super premier parking (Photogal got the tickets from a friend) and ended up parking about 100 feet from the gate! We were out if thecar and in out seats in under five minutes. Seriously. The accomodations were ridiculously nice. I could've used a little more legroom, but hey, the tickets were free and we were eight rows from the field.
I could go on and bitch about how people at a Sox game are an almost entirely different breed than people at a Cubs game (both are drunks, but Sox drunks are a little less pathetic than the Wrigley yuppies get, however they seems a lot more dangerous and I had a couple guys act pretty aggressively towards me for no real reason at all) but I would prefer to share my favorite two memories from the game.
Memory One: I loved the little boy, opne row back, who had obviously just finished stuffing a big wad of blue cotton candy into his fave. Well, most of it was on his face. His poor dad looked like he had no idea what to do.
Memory Two: We were a few rows behind the visiting dug-out and between each inning people would run down in hopes of getting a game ball tossed into the stands by the visiting team as they came off the field. I saw men pushing aside little kids and genberally behaving badly in an effort to get that ball. One little kid kept getting shoved aside ands I was feeling worse and worse for him. In the sixth inning, though, one of the visiting ball-boys noticed what was happeneing, got the ball, walked away from the throngs shoving and pushing each other, and handed the ball to the little boy. It was so sweet.
And then there was the guy who won the dance contest between innings. One cheerleader-type girl thought she had it by utilizing the generic club booty shake, but the dude stole the show by taking off his shirt and running around like a madman with his flapping belly jiggling in time with the music. I must still be scarred by high school because even today I love seeing the underdog beat out the popular crowd.
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