Thursday, November 16, 2006

Distress at The Office.

While I've grown annoyed with the Jim / Pam thing, I've forgiven it because the American version of The Office because it's been doing a good job of transferring the tone, if not the full power, of the U.K. original. Tonight's ep cranked up the love triangle, though, and added insult to injury by extolling the virtues of a paper shredder from Staples ... right before a commercial for a paper shredder from Staples. The crowning moment would be the really uncomfortable moment with the overweight employee being given an unwanted boost in the middle of a room of horrified employees. I realize they were trying to push the line and mine humor out of discomfort, but not only was there nothing funny in the moment, it -- for the first time -- cast the character of Michael Scott as really unlikeable.

Things are not looking good this season, that's all I'm saying.

You want to see a love triangle done right? Here's how you supply two of the main ingredients:

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