I caved yesterday and bought the complete Twin Peaks DVD. Guess what I'm going to be doing over the Thanksgivving holiday? That's right, I'll be in Michigan, wrapped up in a blanket, on the couch with Betty the Beagle, drinking in David Duchovney in a dress and other wonderful and surprising imagery.
But that's next week, I've got something I need to do before that. And that would be DJing at The Continental tomorrow night! It's been a while so I'm looking forward to climbing back into their booth, and it promises to be a pretty crazy evening. Since I'm DJing, my friend Denise has decided to celebrate her birthday there, so we've automatically filled half the room with a bunch of drunken wild-women. As an added bonus Rudy will be joining in and contributing a set early in the evening, so that should be smoking too. Basically, you just NEED to be there ... and get there early so you can actually snag a seat or a booth. Although I do expect to see all o' your asses dancing at some point in the evening.

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