In Michigan all weekend, with 0.5 hours internet access sandwiched between time with Photogal, her mom, and my mom.*
Back online today but feeling slightly overwhelmed.
Read a piece in NYT this weekend about the 4 hour work week, and I'm currently thinking that's an awfully swell idea, although I don't think I'd outsource the whole dating thing.**
*Wherein I, yes, played the perfect boyfriend / son role, right down to cooking an early A.M. Sunday breakfast in multiple parts, including the cleaning of dishes and an after-cup of coffee / tea whilst perusing, Rockwell-stylee, the NYT.
**Has anyone ever noticed, and I admit I really didn't until just now, that I make certain assumptions about readers of this site? Like, I expect they'll catch the obscure refs, and at least the between-the-lines commentary about the know refs? Like, I expect you're read everything I have? And this isn't the case, and the tone isn't universal, and I do take time to explain the weirder connections I make (like I will when I hit the whole Daniel Ash and Lour Reed as failed soul singer thing), but after the amount of time we've spent together I sorta expect you'll at least understand the literary shorthand that pervades posts like the one above. Right? We are on the same page, right? Right?
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