What the hell am I gonna sit on when I move?
Over the years most of my furniture has disappeared or been disposed of. The main reason for this was the fact that Photogal had both taste and a bunch of her own much nicer furniture, and I had been collecting a motley crew of mismatched items for years. When she would suggest we get rid of something that was mine I would always half-heartedly say, "But what if we break-up ... won't I need that?" And seconds later I would realize how stupid such an excuse sounded in the face of a long-term relationship. Some might say that was an early sign things might go awry, but I actually think it's a testament to my pack-rat nature, and wasn't at all a reflection of the current or future status of my commitment to our relationship.
But now I actually am moving out and have discovered I have LOTS of crap like magazines, DVDs, books, CDs, and a couple mismatched sets of silverware I managed to forget at the bottom of a box in our basement. Unfortunately I have very little of those day to day items one actually uses like couches, beds, or television sets. I do have a blender I never use though*, so thank goodness for that.
Seriously though, I'm 35 but feel like I've been launched back to the same status, living-space decor-wise, I inhabited when I was just out of college.** This is frustrating to say the least.
*O.K., she doesn't know it yet, but I'm actually letting Photogal have my blender because I know she actually loves it and really enjoys making smoothies in it. What can I say? I'm a nice guy.
**Well, more accurately, the status I had when I initially dropped out of college. I was actually pretty well outfitted when I actually graduated 6 year later than I should have.
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