Amazingly I was zonked out by 9:30 last night -- this whole "not going out thing" has really screwed with my sleep schedule! -- and now I'm up and can't sleep. Jeez, I can't even burn off time at the gym right now because even they aren't open yet! On the plus side, I did just get to enjoy a soft, early summer morning rain, so that was kind of nice. Odd to think that a few years ago I would be experiencing such a rain as the end of my night instead of the beginning of my day.
Hmm, maybe I'll just relax and read my Britpop book* And, of course, prepare for tonight's edition of Bomb Squad Thursday. I'm spinning solo, but I'm only doing so because there are two bands playing tonight -- Dual Exhaust and Johnny Vomit -- so come on in to Liar's Club for a rock and/or rolling fall-down stinky good time.

*I'm immersing myself in a refresher course in advance of DJing this months Panic! party. It will be awesome. Upside? I'm rediscovering so much great music. Downside? I keep prattling on about LadyFriend's least favorite artist, Damon Albarn. He was mean to her the last time Blur was in town, so I guess she has a right to dislike him on a personal level, but I still think he's unbelievably gifted.
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