The great thing about an impending four-day weekend is all the time off you haave to look forward too. The downside is that the nine-to-five situation neccesitates tying up all kinds of loose ends before you can set out and get into the business of enjoying the weekend! So with that in mind...
- Last night I attended a bachelorette party (I was the only guy there) for a co-worker at The Kit Kat Klub, a chicago supper-club with "divas" lip-synching showtunes and dance-pop. I learned a) my co-workers are a lot of fun, and b) if I'm ever single I'm going to the Kit Kat Klub to hang out because the place was packed and I was the only straight guy there, and c) my co-workers know about blogs, read other co-workers blogs, and probably read mine. So, hi co-workers!
- Tomorrow an old college pal of mine will be DJing at The Pontiac with me, Rudy Tuesday, Kelly D, and -- if I can talk her into gracing the mixer for a rawkin' (there's that adaptive spelling again) set -- DJ Cowbell (a.k.a. the always lovely Photogal.) This is the first time I've DJed at Pontiac on a weekend, and it'ss the first time Rudy and I will be paired up since the beginning of the summer! Expect the evening to devolve into sets peopled with song by song face-offs between all involved. It should be a lot of fun.
- Tomorrow, if you don't feel like listening to me play other people's music, and would prefer to hear people play their own music, go to The Mutiny and see the always awesome Venom Lords, and the always fantasmagoric Team Band. And then come over and dance with us at The Pontiac afterwards.
- Tomorrow during the daytime, Photogal is taking her motorcycle (and me) downstate for a day of racing at a track! I'm psyched to see her let it rip. Bonus points since she'll be driving her bad-ass BMW amidst a bunch of crotch-rockets and (what I consider to be, but she disagrees) other dorky bikes.
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