Right now II want nothing more than to curl up with a warm little beagle and lose myself in daytime television, but instead I need to pull on some socks and lace up another day at the office.
Oh wait, maybe I'm not completely done...
I'm starting to get sick of the NYC blog / publicist syndrome because, since NYC blogs are based (usually) within most publicist's circle of friends, those publicists actually think EVERYONE reads 'em. Now, I love Stereogum, but 99% of the people I talk to in Chicago have no idea who Stereogum is. And even less have ever heard of Brooklyn Vegan...
What brings this up? Let's just say I receieved one too many emails offering "exclusive" information" on a Chicago-based event that was apparently "exlusive" to the majority of folks in NYC with access to a keyboard.
Please don't misunderstand my beef, though. This is not a generic Chicago vs. NYC thing, since anyone that knows me know I love NYC and it would be my first choice of cities other than Chicago in which to dwell. Nay, this is more a beef about publicists who slack, don't do their homework and have grown up believing that email lists with personalized salutations are the best way to interact with the folks your trying to get to generate your buzz (and, as a result, your paycheck.)
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