Wow, sorry about yesterday's bummer-o-rama. A quick update though: My mom is doing well, and thanks to everyone who has sent along their well-wishes for her speedy recovery. Sorry if the news caught most of you (who know me in the flesh) off-guard ... it's been freaking me out for a while and I tend to internalize those things.
Anyway, happy Tuesday! I'm in a much better / optimistic mood today, and that just might have something to do with this evening's guest DJ at The Pontiac. Look at this cool flyer he and his girlfriend (Sour Deluxe's Ms. Jamie Jacobs) came up with:

I love it when people that are not me design flyers for events that include me. Especially when those people doing the designing are actually good at designing stuff!
Anyway, I wanted to call him "UK Matt" since he's, you know, from the UK and all ... but apparently he thought that would be too gimmicky so he instead went with his, you now, actual name. All the easier to stalk him by after you fall in love with him through his musical selections tonight, right?
Speaking of falling in love with music, read my review of that whole T&G25 / Hideout10 party here. I swear all the nice things I say have nothing to do with free beer in the VIP area, even though I'm certainly no VIP. Journalistic interloper? Yes. VIP? Not so much.) Hell, I didn't even know I had access to free beer Friday and I still had a blast! So thanks to both T&G and The Hideout for throwing such a swell party.
Wow, I'm still feeling a bit of residual darkeness that might be left over from yesterday threatening to leak into this post via some psychological back alleyway. How should I dispel it? Oh, how about this absolutely hilariously cute pictue I like to call: Who brought the cat?!

Seriously cute. And don't any of you start harping about an overabundance of cuteness today. Each yin has its yang and in this case kitties and puppies are balancing out possibly-cancerous cysts and routine abuses of alcohol. As a matter of fact how about a one-two whammy of both annoyingly cute quiz and impossibly cute pups?!
Oh yeah!
What breed of Dog are You??!
You are a Beagle!! You are a serious PARTY ANIMAL! Parties would be boring without you! You love to play with things that go boom, it's fun seriously. Alot of people want to be your friend, but you prefer to stay with your closest!
Okay, I think that just about does it. A burst of saccharine that thick is sure to leave the low ebb of a throbbing headache as it recedes, so I'll take mercy on you and stop for today. I do want to send a HUGE thanks to everyone who showed up at The Continental to hear me, Rudy and Princess Marble spin. I thought both of my guests were absolutely fabulous and look forward to a situation where we'll be able to share a booth again sometime in the near future.
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