One of the primary components of my Halloween costume this year, aside from the long hair, is a beard. To that end, I should have started growing one in already since I'm not exactly sure how quickly a full beard will come in ... especially since I've never grown one before.

I guess I'm locked in though, so I'm going to have to stop shaving soon. We've seen how strong my resolve is though, as evidenced by that while "I'm quitting smoking on my birthday" thing last year, so don't be too surprised if you see me raiding the costume shops for fake hair and spirit gum a few days before Halloween. Which reminds me, can anyone out there craft a fairly convincing beard?
You know, just in case.
We've been threatening to pair up, and now we've gone and done it.
Yes, DJ South of North and I have been talking about teaming up for, literally, years now. Well, tomorrow at The Pontiac our talk becomes action and pandemonium is sure to ensue. Who would want to miss that? Not you, I'm sure.

Geeky McGeeksterpants.

I said, "I think I'll go home ... I want to watch a couple more episodes of Battlestar Galactica."
I'm still not sure if she was thrilled I was calling it a night, or terrified because it was due to a desire to watch a couple oversized starships make like the Israelites in the Old Testament. Anyway, I'm all caught up, and ready for the season premiere (which will, by the way, mark the first time I follow a season week by week rather than in a few days via DVD mainline) and all I can say is this: Can't these poor lost kids ever catch a break? Right when things seem to be looking up, they take a downturn. And right when you think they're as low as they can get ... things get SO MUCH WORSE!
Okay, end geekster transmission. My inner rocker is about to pound my inner D&Der into so much ectoplasmic jelly.
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