I could go into the myriad number of things that are wrong with me and why I'm so lucky to have a girlfriend that loves me even when I act like a sixteen year old headstrong jerk just because I'm feeling petulant and angry and, well, feeling like a sixteen year old. But I'm not gonna. Because aside from a single blip we had a really nice holiday weekend. Well it was almost perfect. We had some leftover BBQ yesterday and something in the mix did not mix well with Photogal's tummy so that sucked. But we saw The 40 Year Old Virgin beforehand so that took some of the sting out of ending the days activities early. (We had a BBQ to go to but that ended up having to be cut from the schedule...)
What the fuck is this though, dear diary hour? I don't think so.
I'm still looking for London recommendations, just so's you know. The response I've gotten this far has been awesome and I'm so thankful to everyone for his or her advice. You've all insured that Photogal and I will have an adventurous trip jam-packed with fun and I can't wait to get over there a few weeks from now. Now if only I could figure out some way to do away with the need to sleep while I'm there. And no, smartass, I'm not gonna become a meth-head so don't even suggest that option. Sicko.
Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and really freaked out that the neighborhood is so quiet and even the dogs are still asleep. Yipes! I think I went to bed far too early last night.
Oh well, I guess I'll just freak people out at the office and show up early today. It's always fun to see how folks keep checking their watches when I come in ahead of my usual schedule. Ain't I a stinker?
Oh, before I forget, tonight Rudy and I are doing a Glam Rock thing at innjoy but we're leaving it open to interpretation. In my world Bowie, My Chemical Romance, T. Rex, Love and Rockets, Muse, Slade, Spacehog and mid-70s Stones all qualify as Glam. It should be fun so wear your heels and mascara.

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