It’s the end of what has been a very, very long week so in lieu of doing anything that requires any serious thought I reckoned today would be the perfect chance to unload a few photos that have been floating around the Tankboy International corporate office. As always, if you would like to enjoy the images at their original size and resolution you need only click over the picture and your wish shall be

First off, let’s hear it for Amazon. I ordered this Wednesday, it showed up Thursday and I only paid seventeen bucks for it versus the twenty-five I would’ve shelled out in the book store. Plus due to this promotion I signed up for -- that I shall cancel before they actually have a chance to charge me anything -- shipping was gratis! Guess what I’m tearing through this weekend if Photogal allows me the time?

Here is photographic proof of the mayhem and havoc that children cause. The man above was a dyed-in-the-wool Conservative bible-banger up until the birth of his first child a few years ago. Now look at him!

This poll was running on yesterday’s Tribune web-site and was geared towards women in connection with an article about the declining use of nightgowns as bed-time attire. See what sort of dress code garnered the highest percentage of responses? See why over the years I have come to believe that Chicago women are the best? See? See?!

Did I tell you about this? Yes? I did? Well click on it and print it out! YOU MUST BRING A COPY OF THE FLYER ABOVE TO TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPEN BAR FROM 9pm UNTIL 10pm THAT NIGHT! Who wants to miss out on free booze? Not you!

As I’m sure you’re aware, my poor little nephew is forcibly being brought up in the wilds of Canada, in that godforsaken wasteland Toronto to be precise. See where they force him to sleep? See? See?!

Okay, I was kidding. As the above action series displays, Alex is well-cared for and quite the happy little baby. Now if only we could smuggle him over the border and keep him here without his parents finding out.

For no reason at all…COWBELL!
Finally, in a bit of shameless self-promotion, I have a show at Elbo Room tomorrow that should be tee-rrific. She's Your Sister left town for California a few months ago and this show marks the hometown release of their new CD, so don't miss it. Here are the deets:
Elbo Room
Jonny Rumble
She’s Your Sister
Logic Of Elliott
The Spoken Four
Doors: 8pm
Show: 9pm
$8 cover

I think it’s fairly obvious in this photo that She’s Your Sister misses living in the Windy City.
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