Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I think I'm going to enjoy driving to and from work this week. The image below is yesterday's traffic at 5pm...usually the height of rush hour.

(click the image to enlarge and reveal what made me so giddy...I travel 294 South)

So, informal poll time. Who’s got Friday off and who has Monday off…and who has both days off? How does my schedule work out? Let’s just say that Thursday is my last day of work until the new year…yee-HAW! Drop by innjoy tonight and celebrate this uplifting fact with me.

¹This is what we used to say at the restaurant I worked at a few years ago when ever something just totally shocking happened. This phrase covered everything from a great tip to a rude customer throwing a drink at you. The mangled pronunciation was a reflection of the fact that most of the employees were from far off foreign lands where English was a second or third language. The exaggerated phrasing was meant primarily as an equalizing tactic -- so the phrase sounded the same no matter what your native accent was -- but it also made the word just downright fun to say.

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