On Big Red Coats, cats, and spectacles.Do you know how difficult it is to type at 6:22 a.m. when a cat keeps jumping in your lap and then trying to sit on your keyboard? It's bad enough she was obviously searching for stuff online all last night -- as evidenced by the "TTTTTTTTTJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ" search term in my browser's search field, so you'd think she'd at least offer me a brief reprieve, right?

It's cold again. The 30-ih degree temps from a few days ago gave me a false sense of hope and prematurely lifted my mood weather-wise. Now we're back in "I'm going to freeze the fuck out of your face and then physically and repeatedly punch you whilst trying to rip off your ears" weather. This also means I've abandoned even trying to look stylish, instead option to sheath myself in
The Big Red Coat in vain hopes that it might sufficiently shield me. The Big Red Coat tries and tries, displaying a truly valiant effort, but the wind and chill seep in around even The Coat's usually adequate fortress. Compounding the problem is the fact that I've been stuck wearing glasses recently due to a piece of debris -- finally removed by my eye doctor yesterday -- that's been irritating me. So not only am I frozen while outside, the second I step indoors I'm blinded as my glasses totally and completely fog over.
The whole ensemble make me look like I'm ten years old.
And that's the state of my world at this moment in time. How's yours?
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