I remember seeing them a few years ago, with Light FM opening, and being blown away. Listening to the disc I also realized just how much I missed Light FM, since both bands write in that sort of melancholically upbeat (I know, but when you hear it, it makes sense) new-wave tinged with grandiose flourishes. And then that made me think of the time when I was promoting shows pretty much full time, and how a Light FM show would always bring a smile to my face, and be something I was looking forward to. There were a few (and still are a few) Chicago bands that I got super-excited to work with, but Light FM was one of the main ones.*
Anyway, what I'm saying is I dig it.
We're running a contest at Chicagoist to win tickets to their show next week at Schuba's, so you should enter to try and win those. But even if you don't, I highly recommend checking them out. Their albums are beautiful, but their live show is a different beast all together.
*No, Light FM isn't defunct ... they're just in California, which is almost the same thing as far as we Midwesterners are concerned, since they never tour out this way!
Photo by Eric Nowels
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