Then Keep has us listen, just to hear what it sounds like, and I realize that all the little mistakes I heard weren't as huge as I thought they were. I mean, yeah, there's and "oops, missed a beat there" and a "nice attempt at a fill, lead-hands," but for the most part the demos are good for what we're using them for; now that we have the general feel of the new songs down pretty good it's time to tighten them up with some solid arrangements. Practice closes with Kip saying, "So I think it's looks like we'll still be ready to play out in October." And I realize that while I still have a lot of work to do myself, the band as a whole is steadily making progress.
Practice will make perfect.
AN ASIDE: While I was loading out I could've sworn I saw the band Meqqa, that still has my original snare drum and ride cymbal, loading in. I wasn't positive though if it was them then I'd just like to say, "Hey guys, I want my gear back!"
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