And now for something completely different.
After DJing until the wee early hours of Saturday morning, I caught a few hours sleep and decided to join Photogal in Michigan for her mom's birthday. Photogal had left the evening before, so I filled the kitties' bowls full o' food, and packed up the pups for the two-hour drive. It took us a little longer than two hours because some dumb-ass got on the expressway going back towards Chicago after filling up on gas. After chastising myself for such complete idiocy, we got back on the road and soon arrived at our 100+ year-old farmhouse in South Haven, Michigan. As you can see the pups were excited to be there. (As always, you can click on any photo to enlarge and view in a new window.)

Lucy is especially fond of the grass ...

And, unlike a certain beagle, is 100% not afraid of cameras.

That's where our old underground cold storage room is ... roofless and overgrown with brush and trees. It's totally cool and reminds me of some of the abandoned houses I used to play in as a kid in South Texas.

And here's our farmhouse. As you can see from all the lumber, we're still working on it. But it's coming along very nicely.

Photogal displays her domestic side in our kitchen.

Then I snuck up on Betty and got her picture before she even knew I had a camera in my hand. I am so sneaky!

Then we set up camp in front of the house at dusk to watch the bats since he have, oh, a hundred or so living in our attic. Photogal's mom took one of my cigarettes when I wasn't looking.

No bats were appearing, so I started to get a little bored.

As you can see, though, Betty the Beagle had no problem focusing her attention, though.

Everything's a little blurry after that.

The next day we headed down to the beach and I noticed a band of pygmies surrounding a a curious mound of sand.

Oh! It's someone's dad!

Photogal and the birthday girl walked along the windy beach. It was really nice and the breeze kept the humid heat that seemed to be settling everywhere else at bay.

The water was kind of choppy though and, despite the warm weather, still a little too chilly for me.

Then I saw a cool car drive slowly past some signage. I wonder what it says?

Oh. Uh oh. Guess we should stop taking our garbage to the beach and then swim on a full stomach!

After the beach it was time for some ice cream. Yum!

Hey, isn't this cow the same color as that cool car we just saw? Hmmm ...

We got back to the house and I decided to see what was going on in our barns.

And in our tree line.

A lot of cats hang out in this barn when we're not around. Or, rather, when certain canine fuzzies aren't around. (And no, I'm not talking about the fox across the way.)

I finally just decided to lay on my back for a while and enjoy the last hour or so we were there before heading back to Chicago.

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